Tuesday, November 20, 2007

List Thirteen.

A list of things that you should avoid discussing with owls:

1. Knock knock jokes. There's nothing lamer to an owl than an extended "Whoooo's there?!"
2. And for that matter, singing, "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?" Afroman is a sworn enemy to all owls. [EDIT: One of the dudes from Baja Men was best friends with Afroman until Sir Calvin the Righteous, the Owl King in 2018, traveled back in time to murder said Baja Men man. Now, all there is for owls to hate is Afroman, and they do so loyally and passionately]
3. Asking if that house party they're throwing is going to be a "hootenanny."
4. Telling them that you liked their latest performance in the Harry Potter movie.
5. Daylight savings time.
6. Assuming that they can reenact that head-spinning scene in The Exorcist.
7. Rhetorically demanding if they were "raised in a barn." This is a very uncouth and uncultured move on your part, as almost all owls graduated from Yale.
8. Telling them to go to bed any earlier than 5 a.m. What, are you their mom or something?
9. Seagulls. It's like asking a Blood about a Crip.
10. Gushers, fruit roll-ups or any other similarly themed sugary product. Most owls have braces and don't want to be reminded of the days when they could eat such delectable products.

1 comment:

Spencer. said...

Who let the dogs out was by Baja men, not Afroman. Afroman was the "Because I got High" guy.