Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Everyone likes lists, right?


A list of people that don't like lists:

1. Casper, the Friendly Ghost - in Ghostland, there's no internet, ability to hold a pen & write on paper, and the memory is too fleeting to hold for terribly long.
2. Archie - He can only get up to two because it's always between Veronica or Betty and boy, does he not like saying who gets the first spot.
3. Napoleon - not the one that you are thinking, but the third. His hatred of lists is often called "The Napoleon III Complex."
4. Bono - if he is not number one, even if the the list is "Who Has The Dumbest Sunglasses," he gets cranky.
5. The Grim Reaper - everyone always wants to know when they are going to die and in what order and frankly, that takes the fun out of it.
6. James McCutcheon - some guy in Idaho whose mother was killed by a list.
7. Christopher Columbus - really, he only hates shopping lists. He usually forgets oranges and that makes his wife mad.
8. Franz Liszt - this one is self explanatory.
9. Captain Kirk - they just have no use in the future.
10. Pluto - he never got over why Goofy is a dog but gets to act as a human... so what's the compelling argument to make a list if no one thinks that you're a person?

These are the only people that don't like lists. Be happy you are not one of them!

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