Thursday, December 25, 2008

List Sixty Two.

A (Best Of!) List Of The Top Napkins Of 2008.

1. The pink and yellow polka-dotted one that matches my pink and yellow polka-dotted jumpsuit and my pink and yellow polka-dotted luggage set, but not my blue and yellow polka-dotted socks.
2. The plain red one. It's really plain. But basic. It absorbs rather well.
3. The one that caught on fire once. I don't know what color it was originally. However, it saved my life, back in the Great Napkin Fire of 1988.
4. The cotton rayon green plaid one that once belonged to my Scottish uncle Thaddeus.
5. The one I used at that restaurant when I was 4 and it covered my whole torso.
6. The one my best friend bought for me because it reminded her of vikings.
7. The one that I can't tell you what it looks like because FBI agents use it.
8. The one with the picture of Jean-Luc Picard on it.
9. The blue one with the ketchup stains.
10. The monogrammed napkin of IAW that I bought at a yard sale once.

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